The Perception

January 21, 2009

The Inheritance of Tears

Filed under: Poetry — Zorina @ 1:03 am
Today, I cried.
And only my spirit knows why.
As words can not articulate your prayers to God,
So the prayer of tears provides the sufficiency of all your mind has to say.
Your body provides the vessel where your prayers are displayed.
God puts our tears in a vessel and cherishes every one.
He accepted every tear that represents generations of wounded hearts,
lost minds, and even broken bodies.
The frustration of not being seen an equal.
Not being able to stand up for yourself, less risk a noose, or getting burned to the stake.
Your life is at stake.
And now you feel like less of a man.
Granddest of fathers, I understand.
How you took your frustrations out in your home of dirt floors.
It’s like, she’s your wife–but not really yours.
The Master’s whore.
His whip. Your scorn, she bore.
Those emotions with attitude, you left as an inheritance.
I don’t know why God chose to play the interference. With me.
My mind is set free.
But generations of tears still live inside me.
They came out today.
Because finally, they’re free.

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