The Perception

April 29, 2008

Getting Over the Hurdle of Separating Church and State

Does anyone remember the term “separation of church and state”?  Why does this not apply to Senator Barack Obama?  As America appears to have excused The Pope from the Catholic sex scandals, so should Obama be exempt from the offensive comments of his former pastor.  Yet, this is not the case, proving once again, the idea of separating church and state will always have double standards.

For centuries, the conflict of whether Church or State should govern has always been an issue.  Temporary resolutions like oh, I don’t know, THE FIRST AMENDMENT, in The Bill of Rights of The United States Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting free exercise thereof…”.  The phrase, separation of church and state coined by former President Thomas Jefferson believed religion, being a very personal subject was a conscience state of mind that was between an individual and his God.  According to the British philosopher, John Locke, this concept of thinking is what early settlers brought to the American colonies and is what influenced the authors of The United States Constitution.

Today, a man runs for president and suddenly, America wants to combine state and religion even though former President James Madison wrote in The United States Bill of Rights, “practical distinction between Religion and civil Government is essential to the purity of both, and is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States”.

If this is true, then why can we not make the distinction between Senator Obama as a political official and Obama who according to Jefferson, “owes account to none other for his faith or his worship…,” taking into consideration that “…the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions”.

That said, why are we focused on the opinion of a preacher who supposedly is not considered a legitimate power of government?  Many citizens expressed how scary it is to have someone with Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s viewpoint ruling our country.  Yet, it is not Wright who is running for president.  It is a senator who is (or was) spiritually influenced by him.  At the end of the day, America is persuaded to focus on our president’s political decisions, disregarding his religious practices and beliefs because after all, it is guaranteed to all of us in The U.S. Bill of Rights.

Reverend Wright’s sermon is taken out of context as if he and his congregation are planning to hand America over to foreign adversaries on a silver platter.  It can be said President George Bush and Senator John McCain are already taking care of that by planning to send as many U.S. Troops to Iraq until someone’s ego reaches its apex. 

Perhaps Reverend Wright’s proclamation of what he believes about our country pricks the hearts of Christians, Catholics, and other denominations because they know the prophesies written in the Book of Revelations reflect current travesties.

To all the offended and self-righteous, Revelations is the last book in The Bible.  I highly recommend it.  It is a good read.

Any proclamation Obama’s preacher may have had regarding religion was extinguished with bitter hate stemmed from generations of rejection and oppression.  I am by no means making excuses for Reverend Wright.  Yet, I understand where his anger comes from.  This does not mean that I fully support Wright’s outrageous opinions either.

It can be said everyone has a friend, relative, or colleague whom they are closely associated with whose political and racial opinion differs from their own.  Why, consider Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro.  I challenge you to even consider The Pope who is associated with The Roman Catholic priest, nuns, and monks where an estimated 0.2% of them are proven abusers.  The Pope states his moral opinion differs from the theirs.  If Obama must suffer the ramifications of his ex-preacher’s opinion, then why and how is it that The Pope remains sovereign?  Granted, we are comparing apples to oranges with The Catholic religion verses the U.S. government institution.  Yet, isn’t that what America is doing by paring Wright’s sermons with Obama’s presidential campaign?

Senator Obama’s ex-pastor is no different from the person scarred by a bad childhood.  Yet, only the underprivileged netting between $21,000 to $22,000 a year who are forced to live in affordable housing that is often located in hazardous communities can identify with this.  Dare I say not even non-minorities who today, suffer the social backlash of racism have only felt what could be thought of as a grain of sand compared to the overall treatment of the working-class citizen.

Yet, we have been told for years to “get over it”.

Some do.

Some don’t.

The bottom line is that Senator Obama has.

So, to all the people whose feelings were hurt from the words of Reverend Jeremiah Wright.  To all who are appalled by such outrageous statements against our country.  To all the white women whose hearts were pricked from Wright’s discriminating comments.  I urge you to march to the words of our forefathers and distinguish the actions of Senator Obama from his religious beliefs, which according to our U.S. Constitution he really owes no explanation for;  and if you can’t,  then I suggest that you simply get over it!


March 12, 2008

Clinton Should Get Rid of Ferraro!

Filed under: politics — Zorina @ 5:00 am
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First of all, if Geraldine Ferraro still holds the same position in the Clinton campaign after making such an absurd statement, then I have to say Senator Clinton must not be too upset by it.  In fact, it can be said at some level, she agrees with Ferraro. 

Ferraro is quoted saying Senator Barack Obama would not be in the position he is in today if he were not black.  That racist statement was an attempt to strip the integrity, and every achievement, victory, and goal Obama has and will continue to reach by tainting it, triggering dormant racist thoughts, reducing him to being just a black man.  Consequently, this type of thinking allows an individual to dismiss Senator Obama’s talent, intellect, and capabilities as President of The United States.

In my experience, if a non-African American were to dismiss my talents, capabilities, and accomplishments by “complimenting” me as a smart black lady, that only tells me that they are so intimidated by me, that they must reduce my character in some way in order to build their own, and make them feel good about themselves and if they voice this skewed perception loud enough, people might believe it.  I suppose that is the name of the game in politics.  However, when a political candidate allows their campaign to touch on a subject as sensitive and inhumane as racism, you reveal how immature you really are despite the years of politcal experience you have in office.  I will go as far as to say even Republicans are intelligent enough to avoid that kind of tactic.

At the same token, if Senator Obama would not be where he is today because he is black, then Senator Clinton would not be where she is today if she were not a woman or even the former President Bill Clinton’s wife.

So now what?

Having said that, let us analyze Ferraro’s statement.  Senator Obama is a one-of-kind individual.  Senator Clinton is a one-of-a-kind individual.  Both candidates have achieved history-making goals because they are who they are.  Obama happens to be black and Clinton happens to be a woman.  Everyone knows because of this, citizens are taking more interest in these elections.  These elections are getting more media coverage because there are more angles to cover given the diversity in each candidate.  So yes, Ferraro is right in saying Obama is where he is politically because he is who he is but we all know that is not what she meant.

As for Mrs. Bill Clinton, I am not so quick to let her off the hook just because she says she doesn’t agree with Ferraro.  Ferraro represents Clinton.  Ferraro has not retracted her remarks nor does she apologize for it.  In fact, she claims to be offended because she’s viewed as a racist for her statement.

Oh. Well.

I’m all for women standing up for what they believe in but only if the intention is to enlighten and uplift for a positive purpose.  Ferraro’s statement was ignorant and essentially had nothing to do with presidential responsibilities.

March 10, 2008

The 3 a.m. Girl Wakes Up!

Filed under: politics — Zorina @ 3:22 pm
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Hillary Clinton’s famous 3 a.m. ad that may have served as a key component to winning Texas and Ohio ironically may be the door of opportunity for Barack Obama to return a retaliation blow without saying one word.

First of all, who would have thought the little 8-year-old girl Casey Knowles who is safely tucked in bed supposedly trusting Clinton to protect her from the Big Bad Wolf of terrorist is actually an 18-year-old delegate for the Illinois Precinct of Obama’s campaign? 

Knowles says her parents put her in commercials as a kid.  Getty Images apparently obtained the right to a commercial Knowles filmed as an 8-year-old, the same footage the Clinton administration chose to portray a positive and trusting image to her presidential campaign.

What does this actually say about Clinton’s campaign?  Illinois actress and potential national delegate Knowles responds to Today’s Matt Lauer, that Clinton’s tactic of using footage she filmed 10 years ago as a child was “not the most classy move on her part”.

For the Clinton supporters who are not familiar with how the cut and paste production of the media works, this could be a devastating blow to them and consequently, to her own campaign.

Knowles, who defines herself as fervent Obama supporter, referred to her image being portrayed as a Clinton supporter as a “low-brow sort of move.”

March 6, 2008

Clinton Pulls a Rabbit out of Her Hat!

Filed under: Opinion — Zorina @ 3:27 am
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Thank God, Clinton won Texas and Ohio because I need something to write about!  Had Obama won those states, the Democratic campaign would look very similiar to the Republican campaign of McCain verses some generic contender to make it look like a race.  No dissrespect to Huckabee but did he get the hint when Romney dropped out?

Speculations of how Clinton broke Obama’s winning streak has everything to do with Obama’s dealings with Canada.  Whether the allegations are true or false, the timing of the leak favored the Clinton campain enough for voters to question Obama’s character.  Obama had 48 hours to explain himself which meant, him or his campaign had to compose a speech that eloquently dismisses the allegations while still keeping the beat to his regular speech of hope and change. 

It is a tricky thing to do and unfortunately, 48 hours was not enough time to sway the undecided voter his way.

Other speculations are that Clinton just got tough.  The famous commercial campaign she launched of who is more qualified to answerer a national security crisis call at 3 a.m. seem to be final push to catapult Clinton back in the race.

According to, Obama currently takes the lead with 1,378 pledged delegate and superdelegates to Clinton’s 1,269.  To become the Democratic nominee for president of the United States, the candidate must get 2,025 delegate and superdelegate votes.

Meanwhile, McCain sips ice tea with Bush, observing Clinton and Obama fight for the remaining votes, secretly hoping they verbally destroy their own party.   Consequently, making him a more attractive candidate for the next president of The United States.

Clinton Gets In Where She Can Fit In!

Filed under: Poetry — Zorina @ 2:51 am
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Politically speaking,

I don’t agree with this higher being they call the president

for it is evident that


is trying to get in

where she fit in!

Now, I’m not mad at my lady.

Cause she’s just working undercover,

for us sistahs and brothas

Others get salty.

Emotions of hate mixed with envy.

When they see anything

running the scene

that isn’t white.

That’s right.

I said white.

Because if it isn’t the color of white bobbi sox,

They’re ready to knock us out the box,

which gives me the incentive to blow up the spot.

As a young, black women eagerly

waiting for everyone to get off their level of depression

Before our younger generation catches the virus of oppression.

Then they will have won.

See, it’s not about getting done


Everybody sings that same song.

It’s because I’m black.

It’s because I’m a woman.

It’s because I’m a black woman.

It’s because I’m black.

It’s because I’m a man.

It’s because I’m a white woman.

The truth it may be.

How can we succeed,

if we keep blaming

what’s between our

buttocks or

If our skin is light or dark?

Stay strong.

For that won’t matter for long.

Remember King when I say

“Can’t we all just get along?”

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