The Perception

April 9, 2009

Wealthy Adopts Welfare Mentality.

If taxpayers must involuntary bail million-dollar companies like AIG out, then we need to implement stipulations that require the fat cats of these fallen companies to humbly resign, bringing in new executives with fresh ideas and a shared perspective of growing our economy first and foremost, not their wallets.  This misuse of taxpayer funds proves that you do not need to live in urban areas in order to improperly handle money.  This only proves that even the wealthy misuse money on a higher scale.  Have not the countless white collar crimes proven this? 


Look at it this way; does it make sense to give a homeless drug addict money to pay for their mortgage when their drug addiction is what brought the home to foreclosure in the first place?  Of course not!  Just the same, we can not afford to give companies like AIG bail-out money until they show evidence that there is some reform within the executive structure.  Otherwise, we will have only taken welfare to another level. 


Welfare was originally created to help low-income families for a minimal amount of time—to rise above the lifestyle of poverty.  Yet, it is known all too well how most welfare recipients can abuse its benefits, using it as a primary source of income to support themselves and their families for the duration of a lifetime.  The same is happening with these companies on the brink of bankruptcy.  We need to reform this Bail-Out Plan so that it explicitly ensures that it will only help companies that are willing to help themselves—not to bonuses, but to help themselves in order to help this economy and ultimately, our country.

April 5, 2008

McCain and Rev. Wright’s Rage

Let’s just get over the fact that Senator Barack Obama happens to be a black man with a religiously irate preacher and admit he is the only presidential candidate who can make rational decisions with a level head and does not waste the public’s time with delusional tales of sniper adventures.

Senator Obama does not have an anger management problem.  Senator John McCain, a.k.a, McNasty does.  I don’t know what you’re opinion is about this, but the last leader who had anger issues and spoke tenaciously about war, caused a genocide of an estimated six million European Jews.  Yet, some favor McCain because he chooses to perpetually deposit trillions of dollars into foreign militia so that they can police their own country rather than invest in domestic healthcare.  People want Senator McCain as president because they apparently like the fact businesses receive ridiculous tax credits for conducting business overseas, leaving Americans unemployed.  It can be said that McCain supporters don’t necessarily agree with contributing welfare to unemployed citizens who, ironically, might be able to afford their own healthcare if they could get a job but cannot because big businesses are employing overseas and the government pays them to do so! 

All due respect, Senator McCain reminds me of the rich, snobbish family who would rather tongue-kiss their dog and put diamond collars around it’s necks rather than be their brother’s keeper.

Granted, a percentage of people take advantage of the system that often hinders people from contributing to the welfare of low-income citizens.  That said, reform the system by adding restrictions with more detailed responsibilities for case workers.  Get organized!  There is too much money filtering throughout our country NOT to get it right.

At the same time, I’m not one to throw my money away either.  Yet, as human beings, we have an obligation to contribute to the underprivileged.  Don’t we?  Perhaps we are all just too selfish and focused on pursuing the happiness believed to lie in our own perception of The American Dream.

But I digress.

Let’s just conclude by noting Senator Obama is not the angry one.  His ex-preacher is.  McCain is just a short fuse.  Like a recovering alcoholic might slip and take a drink, McCain is subject to lose his temper in The Situation Room.  Yet, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s ex-preacher, who is NOT running for president, by the way, is getting media coverage as if he is.  Meanwhile, Republicans believe McCain, a man who has admitted to having problems managing his own emotions, can manage our United States military better than Senator Obama (again, whose ex-preacher displayed emotional resentment toward political issues, not Obama himself).


Give me the man with mental problems over the senator whose religious choice is in fact a constitutional law that is supposed to be viewed as a separation of church and state.

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